COVID-19 Small Business Resources

We are currently living through a period of uncertainty and angst that we’ll never forget. The first thing we want to say,  is that our thoughts are with you.

Like many of you, we are trying to do what we can to help our customers and the larger community navigate this challenging time. Here are details on the steps we are taking to protect our team and customers, as well as resources to help you navigate these waters.


With the ever-changing environment that COVID-19 places on our way of life, Charlotte IT Solutions is focused on how we will continue to provide IT support during challenging times. As a safety measure for both our company and yours, we have enabled our Remote First workplace for our customers and team members.

As always, our goal is to provide top-level customer service to you and your staff as we navigate today’s environment. During the next few weeks, the following will be our strategy:

  • To prevent any exposure or spread of COVID-19, we are restricting all team members from traveling to client offices outside of emergency visits. Our IT services will be provided as a “Remote First” Workplan defined as any IT support will be provided as a remote phone call first. Any site visits by our team members will be limited to emergency visits or situations where our remote model cannot correct the issue reported.
  • We have enabled our CITS Call Center line to accommodate the increase in inbound calls. We encourage you to utilize our service desk for support and limit contacting our team members directly. This will allow CITS to more efficiently support you and your staff needs.
  • For any active or upcoming projects, we will continue to support the same level of service and will rise to meet our customers’ expectations.
  • We will refrain from participation in events where large gatherings occur and offer a remote call-in or video conference if we are required to attend.
  • We will confirm at the beginning of each workday that our team members are not experiencing any flu-like symptoms. If our team members feel they have been in direct contact with anyone who may have tested positive for COVID-19, we will request they self-quarantine.


Removing limits:

At this time of change, businesses need to keep in regular contact with their customers and know their staff is not bogged down by technology issues. Therefore, for the rest of the year, we’re suspending limits for Remote IT Support for our Managed IT Service customers. You will now be able to receive unlimited phone technical support at no additional costs.

Adding Free Services:

With so many people working from home and spending more time online, it’s more important than ever to ensure you are updating your Website. To help, we are offering our Managed IT Service customers free website maintenance and updates to ensure your brand is well represented.

Reducing Pricing: Bundled Managed IT Services

To support small businesses through this uncertain time, we’re reducing the cost of our Managed IT Services. All new and existing Managed IT Service customers will have access to the full suite of solutions: antivirus, unlimited remote support, security, website management, and many more at the reduced price.


BLOG: Prepare Your Business for COVID-19

BLOG: Avoid Phishing Scams While Working Remote

CHECKLIST: Remote Preparedness

EBOOK: Small Business Managed IT Services

Small Business Association Resources

Center for Disease Control Resources

World Health Organization Resources

Paycheck Protection Program Resources

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