Having a full-time IT support staff at your disposal is a must for any business size. Whether protecting your business from cybercriminals or ensuring all your applications are running properly, and your internal network allows you to communicate with staff members, you run far too many risks without an IT support staff. A single data breach can completely ruin your business. Network downtime that prevents customers from reaching your website for hours, if not days, is an expensive problem, and it might push customers to the competition.
And yet, hiring such a staff can be expensive. What happens if you run a small business out of your basement? Hiring an IT professional to remain on-site at all times might cost more than what you’re bringing in, and yet calling someone in for help from time to time won’t do much good either, as they won’t know your system inside and out, and it won’t protect you from cyber-attacks.
All of this can be avoided with managed IT services Cramerton NC has available. With a managed IT account, you have a single off-site service provider that performs all the same tasks as an on-site professional for a fraction of the price. This is because the managed IT service provider can work with dozens of other businesses simultaneously. This reduces your bill while giving you the kind of IT support any business needs.
Charlotte IT Solutions is your local service provider based not only here in North Carolina but also locally owned and operated. It isn’t a company located out of state or even out of the country. This way, you receive expert services and support, all while the money you spend remains right here within the local North Carolina community.